Traditional art in digital sculpting

Along my path to the skill improvement in 3D modeling I’ve always considered the technical feature as a very important one. Since the first models – for which I only used Maya – I concentrated all of my efforts within the application of the techniques found in books about CG or following good step-by-step tutorials found on Internet…

The alluring art of Audrey Kawasaki

Since the very first glance, the effect is devastating: Audrey Kawasaki’s works enrapture you because of their beauty even before realizing what you’re looking at. And as soon as you try to regain consciousness, a new emotional short circuit leaves you breathless: ethereal purity and unbridled sensuality alternate and chase each other unfailingly…

Welcome to the new website!

Dear surfers, finally we did it! Here is the renewed and remodelled website! Exactly! Even though you had no idea about it, a previous version of the website was on-line: a wonderful exemplar of a static website with manual uploading of contents in html pages. Actually: a web wreck. On the contrary, the new website is brand-new…